Better Does Not Equal Fair: NC Redistricting Update
Prior to NC Supreme Court’s decision on February 23 to reject the Congressional map, there was a strategic attack on Black elected officials, and it’s still ongoing.
Prior to NC Supreme Court’s decision on February 23 to reject the Congressional map, there was a strategic attack on Black elected officials, and it’s still ongoing.
The North Carolina Black Alliance is one of 17 NC organizations to receive funding from Blue Cross NC to address issues causing disparities in labor and postpartum health care.
Black faith leaders and Black faith spaces are often our community’s first point of contact amid economic injustice, social injustice, and national crises.
Although Coretta Scott King didn’t coin the term “beloved community,” in 2022, faith-based communities may certainly do well to continue using the ideology as a foundation for recovering from the global pandemic that disproportionately affects Black and Brown communities in the United States.
In a 4-3 decision, the North Carolina State Supreme Court ruled the state’s congressional and legislative maps “unconstitutional beyond a reasonable doubt.” The NC State Legislature must redraw racially-discriminatory maps.
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