Matthew 25:40-45 and the charge to serve the least of these is an admirable charge and foundational in the work of North Carolina Black Alliance and the Faith Engagement Team. In 2022, the Alliance hopes to serve the Black communities like never before. We envision ourselves as being able to lead in the work of establishing black political power in local communities all over the state of North Carolina. We want to leave our footprint throughout the state of North Carolina, addressing issues around democracy reform, criminal justice reform, economic empowerment, and healthcare and environmental justice.
The Alliance wants to leave our footprint throughout the state, but we know that we cannot do this immeasurable work without all of you. We need the health of every black faith leader throughout the state of NC. The Black Faith Leader is still needed in the 21st Century, for we know that in many communities, Black Faith Leaders and Black Faith spaces are the first points of contact in our community. With Covid-19, economic injustice, and police violence still prevalent in our community, God still has great work for us to do!
2022 is marked by impending local elections and midterms that present the opportunity for us as a nation to use one of the tools of liberation. Through voting, we have an opportunity to move our country forward in creating a just society for us all, and we hope you will join us in this fight.
In the words of Rev Dr. Adam Clayton Powell, “let us walk together, children, and don’t get tired.” Fannie Lou Hamer said, “Nobody is free until everybody’s free!” So in 2022, let us walk together and not get tired, and let us get free together for the sake of the “least of these.”

Rev. CJ Brinson
Faith-Based Engagement Director