NCBA Celebrates Pi Day with NC Budget and Tax Center

On Thursday, March 14, the North Carolina Black Alliance and NC Budget and Tax Center celebrated everyone’s favorite mathematical constant, Pi Day. Joined by our new 10 BetterNC Fellows and NC House Representative Vernetta Alston, we took a moment to reflect on what Pi Day truly means to NC and how we can advocate for fair taxation policies in our communities.
Reflecting on Fair Taxation and Economic Equity
Sure, it was an excuse to indulge in some delicious pies, but it was also a time to ponder some important matters – like our budget priorities and the state of taxation in our communities and our state. Pi Day is about growing the pie – not just the mathematical one, but also the economic pie that sustains our communities.
One crucial aspect of growing our state’s economic pie is ensuring everyone, including corporations, pays their fair share in taxes! By making sure that everyone contributes their dues, we can ensure that our communities have the resources they need to thrive. Imagine what we could accomplish if we redirected some of those funds towards education, healthcare, infrastructure, transit, HBCU funding, and other essential services. We could make our communities stronger, more resilient, and more equitable for everyone.
Let’s work together to ensure that the economic pie is shared more equitably among all members of our society. After all, what better way to celebrate Pi Day than by making sure that everyone gets a fair slice of the pie?
Cheers to Pi Day, math, pie, and building a better, more equitable world for all. Keep calculating (and advocating)!

Cassandra Stokes, Esq.
Democracy and Economy Coordinator